Saturday, September 5, 2009

Round and Round

Hula Hoops hang in the air
around him like dancers in flight.
I can do three he claims, and he's right.

School began again-easier this time.
It is always easier.
I love watching them walk in my room on day one.
I love their faces revealing
the mystery the wonderment:
Who is this lady?
Is she nice?
Who are those kids all over her wall?
Are they her children?
Will I be seen by her too?

For Sam a promotion of sorts-he is the oldest preschooler there.
Marcel stepped up to "Toddler B" the youngest in his class. "I in new room Mommy with big kids too."

It's all new, it's all the same.
We practice transitions.
We practice new beginnings.
We practice holding onto expectations, and then letting them go.
We practice so that we don't have to practice as much.

Summer is so big, takes up so much space at the four season table.
I'm not as beside myself as some, that she is finishing her desert.
She makes such a raucous with her plans, and little trips, long evenings, and her endless requests for ice cream, and photo opportunities.
Her laughter incessant.
She never goes to bed on time.

So, Fall can relax a little into her own,
now that summer's cleared her pit strewn plate.
Even if she comes back to say goodnight,
we can exhale a little as we shift and notice
the shimmer in Fall's auburn hair.

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