Thursday, December 10, 2009

Self Portrait by Sam

This is why Brown Santa Man is getting him a camera.
He took this yesterday-after sledding.
He loved it-and asked me to post it.

Not just any camera--the Argus Bean-in green.
Not mentioning it here to promote it--but to warn you away
from those "my first camera" numbers by Playschool and the like.
According to this budding pho-tog you can't see a thing in those-
the screen looks like a muddy puddle-and what kid wants that?
Argus Bean clips on to anything, is water proof, indestructible,
and has rechargable batteries.


The Lost Planetista said...

What a great self portrait! He really gives us viewers a sense of his happiness! Nice job! Can't wait to see future photography by Sam. Thankfully we are in the digital age- kids didn't stand a chance of getting to be photographers when we still relied upon film and expensive developing.

paintnpencil said...

How truly beautiful, and what a marvellous smile.